The Path To Bodhichitta

You start where you are, the practice will meet you there.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Being Yourself

Picked up the November issue of O magazine yesterday. There was a mini questionnaire that was posed to four writers - Uwem Akpan, Anne Lamott, Mary Karr and Junot Diaz - all of whom contributed to the 'How to Become the Person You Were Meant to Be' section.

Since I have an unnatural fondness for questions, I have my own set of answers.

I look most like myself...
in jeans/pants, a simple top and accessories.

I act most like myself...
when I'm with my family.

I feel most like myself...
with a coffee and a book.

I feel least like myself...
when I have drunk too much and at big parties.


Anonymous Susan Abraham said...

Your post brought on a thought. Do they have chai tea back in KL? I never noticed the last time. They have it here & in London. It's the only hot beverage I know that can really give me a kick after coffee. :-)

What book are you reading at the moment?

9:07 AM  
Blogger starlight said...

Yes they do. :) And I agree, it's the only hot beveraga that gives a kick after coffee!

I'm belatedly starting Julie&Julia. Have suddenly been seized by a passion for all things culinary! What are you reading?

7:49 AM  

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